Monday, 27 November 2017

Watch Our video in Youtube

 Assalamualaikum and hello readers, do you want to watch a video about latex?

click link below :

This video is just for you, i hope you enjoy watch our video and don't forget to like and subscribe our video 💓

Sunday, 26 November 2017

LINKS Details about LaTeX

For this post we just want to provide you with the famous and well-known details about latex. You guys can just click at the listed links below :-
* LaTeX Project
LaTeX Manual
TeX Blog
LaTeX Wikibook

Thank you for supporting our blog.

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Step 4 : Mathematics in Latex

Short Math Guide for LATEX Michael Downes American Mathematical Society Version 1.09 (2002-03-22), currently available at

 Introduction this is a concise summary of recommended features in LATEX and a couple of extension packages for writing math formulas. Readers needing greater depth of detail are referred to the sources listed in the bibliography, especially [Lamport], [LUG], [AMUG], [LFG], [LGG], and [LC]. A certain amount of familiarity with standard LATEX terminology is assumed; if your memory needs refreshing on the LATEX meaning of command, optional argument, environment, package, and so forth, see [Lamport].

The features described here are available to you if you use LATEX with two extension packages published by the American Mathematical Society:amssymb and amsmath. Thus, the source file for this document begins with

\documentclass {article}
\use package {amssymb,amsmath}

The amssymb package might be omissible for documents whose math symbol usage is relatively modest; the easiest way to test this is to leave out the amssymb reference and see if any math symbols in the document produce ‘Undefined control sequence’ messages.

 Many noteworthy features found in other packages are not covered here; see Section 10.Regarding math symbols, please note especially that the list given here is not intended to be comprehensive, but to illustrate such symbols as users will normally find already present in their LATEX system and usable without installing any additional fonts or doing other setup work.
If you have a need for a symbol not shown here, you will probably want to consult The Comprehensive LATEX Symbols List (Pakin):

2. Inline math formulas and displayed equations

2.1. The fundamentals Entering and leaving math mode in LATEX is normally done with the following commands and environments.
 Inline formulas displayed equations

$ … $
\[. . .\]
\(      \)

Automatically numbered

Automatically numbered

Automatically numbered

Note: Alternative environments      \begin {math}. .\end {math}, \begin {displaymath} . . . \end{displaymath}are seldom needed in practice. Using the plain TEX notation$$ . . . $$ for displayed equations is not recom-mended. Although it is not expressly forbidden in LATEX, it is not documented anywhere in the LATEX bookas being part of the LATEX command set, and it interferes with the proper operation of various features such as the fleqn option

Friday, 24 November 2017

Step 3 : References and Figures

Step 3: References and Figures

Now the situation may come about when writing a document where we need to refer to a section/figure etc, so we need to know how to do that. It is done by using labels, and then refering to them.

So in my text I need to refer to my awesome chapter, I'll add a label underneath the chapter line like so;

\chapter{Awesome Chapter}

It doesn't really matter what you call your labels, but I find it helps to stick to the basic principle of saying what the label refers to, then adding a label name, for example;

chp: is for a chapter
sec: for a section
ssec: for a subsection
fig: for a figure
tab: for a table
eq: for an equation

Refering to a label

Now that we have defined our labels, lets refer to them, so in the text we write \ref{label name}, for example

The derivation and explanation of this super important equation can be seen in chapter \ref{chp:awe_chp}.

This will print the following;

The derivation and explanation of this super important equation can be seen in chapter 2.

Where the reference to a label is replaced by the chapter/section/whatever number.


Now adding pretty pictures and graphs to your document follows the same procedure, first we add the picture to your document folder.

Now call the picture something easy to remember, such as 'picture'

Back to latex, we add the following code;

\caption{An awesome caption to go with my picture}

So the \begin{figure} is self-explanatory, however the options in square brackets [!th] are not. These tell latex that I want to put my figure here, no really here. This is how I like to do my figures in latex, but other people like to leave latex to decide the best place to put a figure.

Next the \centering command, this centers the figure in the middle of the page width, include graphics is where we say which file to input, and the \caption command adds a line of text under the picture.

to refer to this in the text we simply type;

As can be seen in figure \ref{fig:picutre}.

Which will be output as;

As can be seen in figure 2.1.

So there ends the quick introduction to latex and how to make a document.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Step 2 : Main Body of the Document

Step 2: Main Body of the Document

So between the \begin{document} and \end{document} tags we need to actually start some writing.

How about a title page?

So we need to add the following to the preamble;

\author{Your name}
\title{My title}

Where Your Name, and My Title are changed with whatever you want to add, and \today is a command that tells latex to print todays date.

After these are added to the preamble, we simply add the;


command between the document tags.

Table of Contents/Figures/Tables

These are easy to add and only require a few lines;

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}

So these commands create a table of contents and figures and tables, and adds the latter two to the table of contents.

Now we can actually start typing away,

New document part

To seperate your document into several parts such as beginning, middle, and end we type;


which will create a big division between parts.


These are easy like parts we simply type;

\chapter{My impressive chapter title}


Now we can further divide the chapters into sections using the following command;

\section{Subdivision of my impressive chapter}


This is getting ridiculous but we can make subsections, and even subsubsections by typing the following;

\subsection{A subdivision to my awesome section}

\subsubsection{A subsection to my subsection}

So there you go, under eas section/subsection/subsubsection you write your paragraph! Easy?

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Step 1 : Preamble

Step 1: Preamble

Now before we start writing, each document that you make should have its own folder on your computer, in this folder all the files associated with your document will be kept here, such as pictures and whatnot.

When writing in texmaker, its a good idea to seperate your code with comments. Comments are made in latex using the '%' symbol and only cover one line, for example;

%This is a comment
This is not

So then to start a document we need to tell latex what type of document it is by using the following command;

\documentclass[ ]{ }

This command and most of the commands in latex are initated using the backslash '\' character, and generally follow the same template: \command[Options]{Parameters}

latex built-in document classes are as follows;


There are others such as a meeting minutes class, but these need googling to understand.

So we need to tell latex several things; paper size, font size, document class, and any other options such as double sided, two columns, etc.

For this instructable we will use a4paper, 11pt font, and report. These are inputted as follows;

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{report}

All the options go between the square brackets and the document class goes between the parentheses (curly) bracket.

After the document class comes the additional packages that you might need. There are loads of packages, and I'm not going to list any useful ones incase I start an arguement, however a general package I've found to be extremely useful is todo notes. To use a package we simply enter them in after the document class line;

\usepackage[options]{package name}

so for todo notes;


(todo notes is a bad example in hindsight as it doesn't have any options...) If the package you're using doesn't have any options associated with it you can safely delete the square brackets.

Finally the last piece of the preamble puzzle is the start of the document;


this will add a \end{document} line underneath it, and your writing should be between these two.

See the picture for a sample preamble.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Make a document in Latex - Beginners Guide

Ok, so you've decided to take the plunge and learn Latex (the typesetting language, not the plasticy stuff...) but how do you create a document that you can add to and publish pdf's until your heart is content?

So first things first, you're going to need some software, there are two cases I'm going to cover, Windows and Linux (Specifically Ubuntu).


Ok so Windows does not natively support latex like Linux does, so we need to install MikTex, and at the time of writing, it was at version 2.9.

After this you are pretty much set to go, but everything is controlled using the command line and old looking interfaces, so we'll install a nice front end. There are many to choose from, but I really like Texmaker, again at the time of writing version 4.0.2.

REMEMBER you need the windows version.

Linux (Ubuntu)

Now Ubuntu does natively support latex, so all we have to do is download and install Texmaker, either from that link or in the software centre.

Now that we have installed Texmaker and/or MikTex its time to actually start working!

Monday, 20 November 2017

Ban Of Using Latex

Ban of using latex

Now, you shouldn't use LaTeX if
·         You don't have time to learn it. Unlike most other point & click systems, LaTeX does take some time to learn. There are of course many guides and tutorials that can help you with this, but don't try to learn LaTeX if you have, say, less than 24 hours to prepare a manuscript.


You can search for the tutorials or steps in using latex from youtube and etc:- (for first approaches) (for research-thesis) (for mathematics documents)
·         Your document is already written. Say, if you have already written your thesis in Word, there isn't much point in trying to “convert” your document to LaTeX. You can do it, but the results won't be pretty. LaTeX isn’t just another document type to “Save-As”, it's a complete system to help you write those documents.


*LaTeX is a complex system that using specific codes which does not exist in microsoft word system.

·         What you care about is the design of the document. If you do care about creating your own designs for your documents (rather than the content), LaTeX is perhaps not the best system for you. There are a number of packages (perhaps most notably memoir) that allow you to customize the look of your document, but things are not always straightforward. Having said that, if you are a designer, of course we would welcome your help in designing new document classes and templates

*There are some examples of LaTeX documents below  :-


*Document that been created using LaTeX looks more neat and professional.


Sunday, 19 November 2017

Quick start guide

All basic features covered on a single page, no need to install anything. Edit LaTeX code and compile the pdf right in your browser.

This fast guide to LaTeX shows you how to create this document [pdf]. You can download the pdf for offline reading or use the interactive sandbox to enhance your learning experience. I've also made the source code [tex] available, so that you can examine it in an editor of your choice. All features are only switfly explained here, for deeper insights, you should use the regular tutorials.

Structure of a LaTeX document.

The documents in LaTeX are structured slightly different from Word. A document consists of two parts, the preamble and the main document. If you're familiar with programming, then you might want to compare the structure with that of a C/C++ file.


The purpose of the preamble is to tell LaTeX what kind of document you will set up and what packages you are going to need. A package is a set of additional functions such as amsmath for additional math formatting. For this document, the preamble looks like this:
% Preamble
% ---

% Packages
% ---
\usepackage{amsmath} % Advanced math typesetting
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Unicode support (Umlauts etc.)
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % Change hyphenation rules
\usepackage{hyperref} % Add a link to your document
\usepackage{graphicx} % Add pictures to your document
\usepackage{listings} % Source code formatting and highlighting
You can set the class of the documentclass with the documentclass command and add packages with the usepackage command. Only the documentclass command is mandatory, you can compile a document also without packages, yet some functions may be missing in this case. The usepackage command must not be used in the main document.

Main document

The main document is contained within the document environment like this:
% ...
% ... Text goes here
% ...
Within those two statements, we can add the content of our document. But just adding the text is probably not enough, since we also have to apply formatting to it.

Formatting in LaTeX

Formatting in LaTeX can be applied by the use of commands and environments. The topmost environment is the document environment as described above. So there are obviously more environments, but how to find them? Well the easiest way is to download a LaTeX cheat sheet which provides a list of the most useful commands and environments. For most packages there is also a manual available, which can be found on Google.

Math typesetting

To introduce you to math typesetting and environments, I will demonstrate you how to format some simple equations:
This can be done with the following code:
f(x) &= x^2\\
f'(x) &= 2x\\
F(x) &= \int f(x)dx\\
F(x) &= \frac{1}{3}x^3
As you can see, we again have a begin and end statement, this is applying the align environment to our equations, so that they will be aligned at the ampersand (&) sign. Naturally, the ampersands will be placed in front of the equality sign. If you watched carefully, you will see that LaTeX magically added sequential numbers to all equations. LaTeX does this for many other things in your paper too, so you will usually not have to waste time on this, but more about that in the next chapter.

Document layout

Usually a document does not only consist of a bunch of equations, but needs some kind of structure too. We are usually going to need at least:
  • Title/Titlepage
  • Table of contents
  • Headlines/Sections
  • Bibliography
LaTeX provides all the commands we need. The following commands will help us:
\section{Text goes here} % On top of document hierarchy; automatically numbered
\paragraph{} % Paragraphs have no numbering

\author{Claudio Vellage} % The authors name
\title{A quick start to \LaTeX{}} % The title of the document
\date{\today{}} % Sets date you can remove \today{} and type a date manually
\maketitle{} % Generates title
\tableofcontents{} % Generates table of contents from sections and subsections

\\ % Linebreak
\newpage{} % Pagebreak
There are commands to create sections, the sections are numbered automatically and the tableofcontents command will use them to generate the table of contents. You don't have to do it yourself, ever. LaTeX also provides commands to generate the title using the maketitle command. This needs the authortitle and date command to be set. If you place the maketitle or tableofcontents command in your document, the Commands will be added at that exact place, so you probably want them in the very beginning of your document. If you want the title to appear on a single page, simply use the newpage command.

Adding a picture

Most documents will also need some kind of picture. Like this:
Adding them is fairly easy:
\caption{This figure shows the logo of my website.}
You have to embed the picture within the figure environment, then use the includegraphics command to select the image. Note that the picture file has to be in the same directory as your .tex file or you specify the path like this:
It makes sense to manage all your pictures in subfolders if you have many of them.

Sourcecode formatting

Throughout the book I used the listings package to format the LaTeX code snippets. You can specify the language for each lstlistings block, in this case i used LaTeX of course and added a caption as well as enabled line breaking:
\begin{lstlisting}[language={[LaTeX]TeX},caption=Adding pictures in \LaTeX{}.,breaklines=true,frame=single]
The language is specified as [DIALECT]LANGUAGE, here LaTeX is dialect of TeX. A list of all programming languages can be obtained from the listings package manual, but you can also just try out if it works.

References and Bibliography

You can specify labels for all the things that are automatically numbered. If you want to refer to a section of your document, you'd simply use the label and ref(reference) command. Where the label indicates what you want to refer to and the reference will print the actual number of the element in your document.
I've written text in section \ref{sec:YOURLABEL}.
Papers usually include a lot of references to the great works of other people. In order to properly cite them, we'd want to use the biblatex package. For this purpose we'd simply add the following code to our preamble:
\usepackage[backend=bibtex,style=verbose-trad2]{biblatex} % Use biblatex package
\bibliography{FILENAME} % The name of the .bib file (name without .bib)
All bibliographic information will be stored in the bibliography (.bib) and must not be inside of the .tex file An example could look like this:
AUTHOR="Claudio Vellage",
TITLE="A quick start to \LaTeX{}",
Now i could add a self reference using the cite command:
This feature works as I described in \cite{VELLAGE:1}.
The biblatex is very smart and will print autogenerate the bibliography if we want to. We'd usually do this in the end of the document. Simply add
to our document.