Short Math Guide for LATEX Michael Downes American
Mathematical Society Version 1.09 (2002-03-22), currently available
this is a concise summary of recommended features in LATEX and a couple of
extension packages for writing math formulas. Readers needing greater depth of
detail are referred to the sources listed in the bibliography, especially
[Lamport], [LUG], [AMUG], [LFG], [LGG], and [LC]. A certain amount of
familiarity with standard LATEX terminology is assumed; if your memory needs
refreshing on the LATEX meaning of command, optional argument, environment,
package, and so forth, see [Lamport].
The features described here are available to you
if you use LATEX with two extension packages published by the American
Mathematical Society:amssymb and amsmath. Thus, the source file for this
document begins with
\documentclass {article}
\use package {amssymb,amsmath}
The amssymb package might be omissible for
documents whose math symbol usage is relatively modest; the easiest way to test
this is to leave out the amssymb reference and see if any math symbols in the
document produce ‘Undefined control sequence’ messages.
Many noteworthy
features found in other packages are not covered here; see Section 10.Regarding
math symbols, please note especially that the list given here is not intended
to be comprehensive, but to illustrate such symbols as users will normally find
already present in their LATEX system and usable without installing any
additional fonts or doing other setup work.
If you have a need for a symbol not shown here,
you will probably want to consult The Comprehensive LATEX Symbols List (Pakin):
2. Inline math formulas and displayed equations
2.1. The fundamentals Entering and leaving math
mode in LATEX is normally done with the following commands and environments.
Inline formulas
displayed equations
$ … $
\[. . .\]
Automatically numbered
Automatically numbered
Automatically numbered
Note: Alternative environments \begin {math}. .\end {math}, \begin {displaymath}
. . . \end{displaymath}are seldom needed in practice. Using the plain TEX
notation$$ . . . $$ for displayed equations is not recom-mended. Although it is
not expressly forbidden in LATEX, it is not documented anywhere in the LATEX
bookas being part of the LATEX command set, and it interferes with the proper
operation of various features such as the fleqn option
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